Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Yeah so today, knock on wood, has been a pretty nice day.

I heard from some blue lake peeps today, which i wasn't expecting so it was kind of a nice surprise.

It was past 85 degrees today! Can we say incredible? I got to wear my new terrycloth shorts and flip flops today. I thought i was funny to walk around work, making flopping noises everywhere I went. My boss may not have thought it was so funny, but screw him anyways hehe. I could care less.

I may actually get an A from Genetics. I can't believe it! An A in an upper lever bio course. I can't stop smiling thinking about my gpa. And I ran for treasurer of the bio sci club. Hopefully that will be mine because that would be great to put on the old resume.

O Primavera! was yesterday. It went smoothly enough, but the whole thing felt odd. No long drawn out speeches, no announcer, no nothing. Just dead air as different vocalists made their way to the stage. The whole thing felt odd. Or may I should say lazy and unprepared. Ah well. Not exactly how I wanted to end what could possibly have been my last performance with the University Chorale, but what's a person to do about it? The worst part was while we were performing "John Saw Da Numbah" and Dr. A took us completely from the beginning to the end. Poor Mr. P was flipping through his music hopelessly trying to keep up with us on the piano.

But this is the last week of school, so what am I upset about? Easter is Sunday, and I have to wonder if we'll be spending it at Grandma's. We've basically spent the entire weekend with them, because of Papa's birthday. We went up to Frankenmuth on Saturday, to eat at Zender's, and I have to say Aunt Kathy was in a strange mood. But this is my family so what else is new?

Anyhow, as soon as the stresses of school are over, I plan to finally have that me time I have been waiting for. Which means updating my website! Going to Pilates! Starting Pride and Prejudice! Etc! Hehe.